Saturday, September 24, 2011


I overheard this conversation a few minutes ago.

Carter:  Dad, what's an Audi?
Bill:  It's a kind of car.
Carter:  No, what's an AUDI?
Bill:  A car.
Carter:  No, I mean the bellybutton kind.

What I've Learned

First of all, and unlike my usual posts, I want to say how grateful I am that I was able to watch the General Relief Society Broadcast at home.  I haven't been able to go to church for quite a while, so it is nice to be able to hear the word of God.  I especially appreciated President Uchdortf (I don't know how it's spelled) when he said that God doesn't forget us, even when we feel lonely or have made mistakes.  Right now I am in that lonely stage due to the fact that I can't leave my house except for doctor visits.  And if he doesn't forget me, then he also doesn't forget my little baby who is still not quite developed enough to be born, and he knows what is best for her.  And he doesn't forget my other children who are somewhat traumatized by all that is going on in our home, with me having had to be in the hospital, now on complete bedrest, all kinds of people coming into our home to take care of them instead of the person they are accustomed to taking care of them, not being able to have friends over as much, etc.  And he doesn't forget my husband, who is so busy and tired trying to take on everything that I normally do as well as his normal chores around the house and his work.  He doesn't forget us. 
Anyway, there are some things I have learned from this and previous pregnancies. 

1.  Some of the things that we worry about really don't matter.  Like clothes matching and hair looking good and food tasting good and having a clean house.  I am a little more grateful now just that my kids have clothes on at all and that someone has fed our family, even if it's not ideal food.

2.  It's silly to try to do push-ups while pregnant.  If you're thinking about attempting such a thing, just remember that all your joints and ligaments in your body loosen up during pregnancy, and you may end up with a dislocated shoulder.

3.  Kids get bored trying to feel the baby kick.  It's not as exciting to them as I thought it would be.

4.  Husbands eat just like their wives, even though they aren't eating for two.  They aren't always strong enough to resist the treats we make them buy for us.

5.  Chocolate helps everything.  Except heartburn. 

6.  My husband (maybe all husbands but at least mine specifically) will never want to talk about baby names before we get to the hospital.  If I try to bring the topic up too early, I will get ridiculous sounding names for suggestions.  Like Thelma.  Or worse.

7.  It's silly to expect to be able to sleep during the third trimester.  It's just not gonna happen.  Because even if my back and hips aren't keeping me awake, my contractions will.  Or my stuffy nose.  Or my heartburn.  Or my husband's snoring. 

8.  Pregnant people can't remember things. 

9.  Pregnancy does not make me like pickles.  But it does make me like gross chili cheese chips.

10.  I know there's a number ten, but I just can't remember right now.  You know, because I'm pregnant.

 What have you learned?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Ninjas and Boogers

My sister is going to help decorate Carter's new room downstairs.  She asked him what kinds of things he would like.  He said that he would like to paint the walls a dark purple, make the floor look like the clouds in the sky, make the bed look like a castle coming out of the clouds, with a light-up ninja on the wall. 

I'm glad Laura's in charge of the decorating instead of Carter.

Preston wants superheroes and puppies all over his room.  I think I'll let Laura help with that one as well.

My niece wants her mom to have twin baby girls and name them Sparkle and Shiny.

My kids want to name our baby:  Daisy, Sophia or Sophie, June, Sadie, and a few others I can't remember.  I'm glad that they don't like Sparkle or Shiny because I would not be able to please them. 

The kids came to see me while I was in the hospital.  It broke my heart when they were ready to go and Preston was sobbing, "I don't want to leave you!"

Then, when I came home, Carter told me, "That was way too long for you to be away from me.  I don't ever want you to be gone that long from our home."  I reminded him that we were planning to go to Europe to visit my brother for almost two weeks in the Spring.  He replied, "Well, that's okay because you will be doing fun things and so will we at home."  I think he had been really worrying about me and the baby.  I hate my kids having to worry about things like that.

I am so grateful for all the people who prayed for me, some who didn't even know me.  It must have helped because when I went into the hospital, I was dilated to one centimeter and eighty percent effaced.  (I didn't know it was that much at the time.  No wonder all the nurses and doctors acted like they thought the medications wouldn't work and were trying to prepare me for potentially losing my baby.)  When I was getting ready to come home, they checked me again, and I was less than a centimeter dilated and only thirty-five to forty percent effaced.  Apparently, that NEVER happens.  I think we were blessed, and it really was a miracle.  Thank you for your continued prayers.

When Preston came to the hospital, he whispered to me, "Do you know that a girl likes me at school?"  "Do you like her, too?" I asked.  "Yes, but she said she's in LOVE with me.  And another girl kissed me right on the forehead."  "Did you want her to kiss you?"  "No way.  She looks like a teenager.  She's like THIS tall."  He held his hand way above his head. 

At Back to School Night, one of my friends told Bill that her daughter thought that Preston was really cute, except that he always has boogers.  After all the girls liking him at school, I can't decide if I really want to give him his allergy medicine more regularly.  Maybe those boogers will keep the girls away.