Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thunder Thighs

I realize how fast the time goes by when the cuckoo clock goes off every half hour. Also, when I realize that my baby is already almost six months old. She was just born!

Sadie spit up in Bill's mouth a few minutes ago. A lot. She was laughing so cute, too. He stopped playing with her after that.

And she pooped all over me earlier. But not in my mouth.

We were sitting in Sacrament Meeting the other day. Carter sneezed a GIANT sneeze. I looked over at him. He had strings of snot hanging out. It was so disgusting. In a very serious and quiet voice, he calmly said, "Darn it." Then he got tissues out to clean it up. I started laughing until I had tears coming out of my eyes when I kept thinking about his calm "darn it" with no expression in his face or voice.

Avery made it all the way across the monkey bars at school today. Her last day of school is tomorrow.

It was embarrassing for me when I measured myself for a fitness challenge that I am about to begin. My thigh is only one inch smaller than my waist was when I got married.

Darn it.

Sadie also has chubby thighs right now. I love it... on her...

I am not kissing Bill tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that is a lot of bodily fluids in one post! Yikes! And I could never believe you have thunder thighs- silly. You are beautiful. Brandon never wants to kiss me after I eat a pickle- but I think spit up is worse. Ha ha.
